Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Gratis, Gratis, Gratis :)

Gratis = Free by the way haha :)


Im going to start off by telling you about the end of my day yesterday.  After we ate the weird dinner, we met a lot of our group to go out and check out Espana a la noche! We all took the Metro (im basically a pro now ;) haha) and met at a popular stop.  Then we all started wandering for pubs and bars to hang out at.  turns out it isnt to hard to find them ALL because of these looooovely people called promoters. they are basically annoying Spanish people who beg and plead you to go into their bar or club. they offer free shots which is a huge bonus and the main reason we would go in to certain ones haha mainly because drinks are sooo expensive here! There are millions of little bars all around..not at all like home! which reminds me, everything is SMALL no bigger then it has to be elevators, bathrooms, stores, washers, etc! Last night i also had my first experience with the no toilet paper in public thing.  I had heard about this and thank to my aunt Janie was prepared because she gave me a small kleenex thing. however, i forgot it just completely not thinking! sooo there i was in the bathroom stall sans toilet paper and not to mention the lights shut off too so it was awesome haha just sitting there drip drying in the dark hahaha the metro closes at 1:30 am :/ so we all took a taxi home. ours was 8 euro so not bad.

Then today we had our first real day of classes.  We had one class in the morning at 11:30 and it was the art class. it was alright. then we had another at 5 that was the food class! it was awesome!! today we just walked around Madrid and our teacher was basically our tour guide and showed us some awesome awesome stuff! SO BEAUTIFUL :) ill add a few pics and a sneak peek. but yeah, that was class for today haha We also went to a market called San Miguel.  IT.WAS.AWESOME! so much yummy food to choose from and lots of sweets and fruits :) love it want to go back sooooon! Our profesora bought us a sample platter of all the different kinds of desserts, it was muy bien :)

In between classes we came home to eat and check our emails and such.  we came in our house, expecting Puri, and here comes some rando lady yelling in spanish to us hahahaha me and tricia were like "AH Si Si?" "Si" "Bien" "Si" "Si" Turns out she is the maid named Loli. she was a mess.  Everyone here speaks very fast obvi but she was on a whole different level! haha it was crazy. and she was very bossy telling us what to do and where to move.  We had two other girls move out of our house so we got to change rooms if we wanted but she basically made all the decisions for us hahaha and she talked and talked and talked and we caught only little parts and were like "si si si" haha it was pretty funny.  we did not expect that at all. we told ourselves make a note not to be at the house when she is here because she is too much to handle lol
(this is the shorten version of it and it is also way funnier in person so dont worry ill tell you all later!)

After class, us and some friends walked around and explored! it was so beautiful everywhere its the most amazing city ever!

I have a few funny stories of us being stupid foreigners but those will have to wait until im home :))
                               How cool, right!? :)

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